Mx moveset

Mx moveset v1.4

if you encounter any bugs feel free to dm over on discord

some of the things MX is capable of with the moveset on;

-can no longer triple jump
- can walk on lava and quick sand (although sand slows him down)
- can now preform butt bounce ( if you hold the boost as you butt bounce you'll get launched decently far)
-included his iconic dash (feel free to terrorize goombas and bombs)
- midair jump (you can now only jumping three times in the air before falling)
- MX can no longer be knock over easily (thx again Birdekek) due to his build
- He now has a super punch! its linked to the left dpad direction! you can also jump out of it by pressing A
- his butt bounce may not be able to break poles and bricks properly (it launches you far tho!)

Not really any new updates just more of a "definitive" version while I work on bug fixes and such, in the ex server it kinda got patched but then it made things a bit confusing so I'm just uploading this makes things less confusing

*ps still doesn't come with the skin use the mario v3.5 skin pack for the actual MX model*
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  1. hey thanks for 2k downloads!

    so that's a crazy number but just wanted to let you guys that I'm still working on the mod...
  2. MX moveset

    New update yay!!1!!!!! (its small but I'm happy how it turned out) - he can now climb! by going...

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Mod currently not working? Can't enable his moveset whatsoever in-game and the "/MX 85" command in-game doesn't do anything besides display text. Also can't seem to find the Mario v.3.5 Skin Pack that was labeled in the description, all links to it seem dead.
huh yeah guess stuff would break in the new update + skin packs are also dead why? i have no idea but ima put a emergency soon that should fix the compatibility issue :p (for the moveset at least, im not part or associated with the og skin pack creation)
Good and lucas thes metal power wont get you far
this mod is incredibly broken and i love it (hi dremy how are you doing))
hahaha yeah pretty much but hey still working on it! also im doing good :D