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(LUA) Character Select Version Identifier

If you're like me, you may want to play the most up-to-date version of Character Select. This includes in-dev versions, however, detecting if you're above a specific version can be hard when it's labeled as 1.8.1 (In-Dev). That's why I whipped up this section of code, originally meant for my own in-development mods!

if _G.charSelectExists and SM64COOPDX_VERSION then
    local curVers = _G.charSelect.version_get();
    if not tonumber(curVers) then -- if this cannot be simplified to a number, there's other strings in this
        curVers = string.gsub(curVers, "[%a%s_()!?:,@#-]+", ""); -- removing all letters, spaces, and the chars in the [set]

        curVers = curVers:gsub("%.", "X", 1):gsub("%.", ""):gsub("X", "."); -- removes all instances except the first decimal point
    curVers = tonumber(curVers);
    -- rest of your code here

This is useful when creating Character Select packs that are backwards-compatible as well! For example, if your character comes with a preset palette, versions below 1.8 will not support this. For my own code, I use this check:

if curVers >= 1.8 then -- if this version is 1.8 or later
    _G.charSelect.character_add_palette_preset(E_MODEL_X, X_PALETTE); -- add the palette

Feel free to use, but do credit me for the code if possible! Would really appreciate it.
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