Kid Goku [CS]

Kid Goku [CS] 1.4

Reviews 4.55 star(s) 10 reviews

It's really cool!!

But there's some downsides, like for the Arena gamemode, the no-pole version gets softlock when using the hammer, and English Goku keeps Japanese voice clips.
Awesome mode, but how can I run with 64 emulator on pc please?
Great mod but i would love some power pole animations and the palette is broken on the model without the power pole but everything else is great
absolute peak
Very cool mod, but I noticed in the newest version the preset character pallete only works with the version with the power pole
very cool mod, finding no problems with it
my only problem is that you cant use the power pole as some type of item that can help you get up high places
I get its cosmetic, but if u still wanna keep the cosmetic look, you could replace the crouch animation with goku prepping the power pole, then uses it while saying "power pole extend"
this can be used for backflip and long jump/ backwards long jump
otherwise, I still think this is a cool mod!!!
Now we only need young bulma and the iconic duo is here
cool af
I need giant monkeys now
Amazing job with this model! I like that it comes with a custom run animation