A full rewrite of the Hide and Seek mode that improves the overall experience.
- Improved stability, design, and game flow.
- Fixed all stalling exploits.
- Revamped HUD for a streamlined experience.
- Single-Level mode; based on Fast H&S.
- Full-Game mode; based on Original H&S.
- ROM Hack Support (Star Road, 74, Rainbow Road, Sapphire)
- All Levels Unlocked (Warning: Save file will be overwritten!)
- Written by Dan
- Super Keeberghrh and djoslin0 (Original Hide and Seek)
- Sunk (Star Cutscene Fix, Complete Save)
- Sunk and Blocky (Automatic Doors)
- EmeraldLockdown (Cannon Toggle)
- EmilyEmmi (HMC Elevator Fix, DDD Submarine)
- birdekek (HUD Name Processing)
- LittleFox64 (Support)