gm_construct from GMod ported to CoopDX! The arena map was more designed around visuals and the novelty of source assets in SM64 than actual playability, so you'll run into one or two camera issues while in the interior of the map. Also, these two maps are VERY unoptimized so people with lower end devices (phones usually) will experience lag.
use /construct with the hangout version of the map to be warped over to the map
Thanks to @flipflopbell on discord for some skybox code that I stole (any other way to credit you? flipflop_bell on romhacking dot com?)
Special thanks to my ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC friends for hopping on GMod and having the patience to help design something for a game they don't even play outside of for machinima.
use /construct with the hangout version of the map to be warped over to the map
Thanks to @flipflopbell on discord for some skybox code that I stole (any other way to credit you? flipflop_bell on romhacking dot com?)
Special thanks to my ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC friends for hopping on GMod and having the patience to help design something for a game they don't even play outside of for machinima.