Dremy_Bowser's cool moves

Dremy_Bowser's cool moves v1.5

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Walugi has now unlocked his cool moves :D

but before I explain what he can do ill be explaining some changes

+ added air taunts: all four directions have a different animation while in the air, they don’t stall in the air but you can spam em at almost any point! And if you attack you can play the animation while in the air

+ changed Wario’s animation of his waft fly so that it actually looks like he is using his waft

+ changed marios HAHA sound to boing sound (but for some reason its muted in coopdx1.0)


- toad now explodes when he dies insert vineboom.ogg
- waluigi naturally walks slower


+ mario can now dive out of his spin jump

Now for what waluigi brings to the crack house of a party :
  • he is significantly faster while jumping
  • waluigi can now bounce off floors effortlessly while long jumping or triple jumps

To stop long jumping you can simply press the A_BUTTON to jump out of the bouncing state
and for the triple jump, if you land on a triple jump you can simply keep chaining triplejumps by pressing A as you hit the floor

+ waluigi being jealous of Luigi’s rocket boost he decided to mimic it! While pressing X walugi will launch himself a short distance gaining a massive speed boost and if he lands on the ground he will continue to long jump extending the momentum :D

= he can instantly turn no matter what. (not exactly a debuff but not exactly a good thing in some places)

also if anyone is still interested the golden mushroom challenge is still available all you need to do to get into the description is: beat the game as toad :) (some video proof would also be nice not necessary at all but still would be nice to have :p)


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Wario and Toad have now gained their own move sets!
lets start with Wario
  • buffed movement speed in water
  • body slam attack that replaces his dive attack

by pressing Y_BUTTON Wario uses waft flight letting him hover indefinitely
By pressing the X_BUTTON he can do a lil cannon ball jump, its speed dependent so its not a vertical jump tool
+ due to Wario's normal thickness he takes less damage when compared to everyone else

+ due to being so short his naturally faster than everyone else while walking

now for the nerfs
  • his jumps now trip him over and when i mean jumps i mean: wall kicks, backflips, long jumps, jumps, double jumps, triple jumps
  • toad for some reason gained the ability to be like glass as in almost every single source of damage has the potential to kill him in one shot some of the dangers to keep in mind that are a guaranteed threats: fall damage, goombas, bomb ombs, ect.
  • toad also forgot how to dive, if preformed he will now just trip
  • toad also forgot how to swim, he sinks instead of floating
  • he also forgot how to drink water to heal himself (surfacing will no longer heal him)
  • toad has now gained a irrational fear of coins if collected any type of coins he now suffers an extreme heart attack killing him on the spot

- by pressing the X_Button he can jump in the air, but the momentum is janky

replaced the laugh for a boing sound effect for the jump cancel


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so, after months of watching Luigi show off his cool moves downtown Mario decided to reflect and learn some cool moves on his own:
- buffed movement speed on the ground
- gained the ability to spin in place in whatever he does (not practical in the slightest but pretty cool looking in my opinion )
- now has a jump cancel in almost every jump you can press A BUTTON to do a funny jump cancel
- for the jumps that you can't cancel with A BUTTON you can cancel them with the X BUTTON although it might not jump as high as a normal A press they help a lot with trying to reposition yourself

bug fixes:

fixed a bug where if anyone else that wasn't Luigi picked up a wing cap they would just not get it and die on levels that required the wing cap, that is no longer an issue
fixed a weird bug where Luigi's rocket would just not register correctly on other players screen , that is no longer an issue

is there something new for Luigi?
yes! he now has an ALT LONG JUMP that sacrifices platforming potential for massive amounts of speed
if you for some reason don't like it you can type in "/balling fr" to revert to his normal long jump once again

ps: Toad, Wario and Waluigi do NOT have a moveset in this update


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So ive re worked some mechanics mainly how the L_trig functions i did like the wall cling but it didnt really add much
so now introducing butt rocket! (thanks to papayanoob over on discord for his green missile code) by lightly tapping the L_trig you can send youself flying there is two versions

- the silly version if you spam it you get launched decently far + a new sound effect is played!

- the serious version is when you hold down the button until you dont see any stars anymore, launches you even faster! + also has a separated sound effect!
the charging also has a different sound effect

AND TAUNTS :D (you can taunt as any character)
theres only two
they also have different sound effects for each
you can now bully tf out of bowser if you grab him


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made some small changes
added a new particle effect for Luigis roll out
and now Luigi was the ability to freeze himself any time he wants by pressing L_JPAD (left directional input on Dpad, although I recommend you rebind it to a r_bumper or R_trigger if you find it awkward to pull off, which is what I did )
hope you guys enjoy it!!!!


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