[CS] Shy Guy 64

[CS] Shy Guy 64 1.3

Hello there, here we are again with a new update, lets see:
1. A new Shy Guy joins the team, the most famous variation, which even appeared in the film, the Snifit! (I still don't know how I managed to forget about him, sry Snifit)
2. Updated all other costumes code, there were some recolorabilty issues, especially with the Metal Cap, Toady outfit and YEAHTOAST outfit, but now everything is fine! (I hope)
More and more Shy Guys are coming to Peach's Castle and more will arrive in the future.
Plus, feel free to contact me on Discord for any suggestion or problem with these Shy Guys.
Until next time, see ya!


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You really thought these Shy Guys had disappeared huh? Well no, they were busy, they were trying to understand what the newcomer was trying to tell them, the only words they understood were like "YEAH TOAST!!!!!!"
Apart from that, here's the new stuff:

1. Added a new style, directly from the SMG4 universe, the weird Shy Guy obsessed with Toasts!
He comes with recolorable butterfly wings and a nice toast for everytime he gets a star.

2. The Toady Shy Guy got a totally new better looking hat, so that shades are not to moot anymore.

3. The Chef and the Party Shy Guy got improved hats, what a style!

4. Some minor modification

So yeah, for now the Shy Guys will just try to understand the Toast Guy (is he happy, scared, hungry? idk), but more Shy Guys will arrive in the future (and I am open to suggestions!).
Until the next time Shy Guy fans :).


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Shy guy fans, here's an update for this little guy:
1. Added 2 new styles (YoshiFan: Just a shy guy with a plushie on his head)(Toady: A shy guy that for some reason joined a Toad cult)
2. Solved some compatibility issues
3. Removed preset pallettes (to give players more freedom)


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