Hey! after a lot of thinking, and a fellow modder releasing their own Ness, I decided to let out a small update to show that yes, im still working on this. The update is very indeed limited to:​
- SuperPhanto's Ness compatibility! Yes, this means you can use both Ness models togheter MOSTLY as god intended. Only thing I wasn't able to figure out was the health icon, so if SuperPhanto wants to tag in to try and help figure out how its done, feel free.​
Ness Mask.png
Ninten Mask.png
- Power Meters! Currently only for Ness and Ninten (Including his ALTs). Yes, I know they look crappy, but its what I got rn. I plan on seeing if I can get someone who is better experienced w em to help later.

- Mod Credits! This has been long warranted so now that CS has a update to support it, I've set up the basework for mod credits. They'll be updated along w the mod.​

And the most noteworthy addition...

Pippi is now the 1st newcomer of the mod! Not the most memorable, but the FIRST parthner of the series, you know my girl Pippi had to get in! This is probably gonna be the rare only case I release a standalone character, cuz I wanna have all the series characters out in one release. but I was starting to burn out so I decided to release her just to show I havent forgot.
Might be a small update but I still hope you guys like what I had to serve. Now go out there and live that life to the fullest!​