Metal Sonic and mk2 in Super Mario 64 with special moves
This mods requires: Character Select and Easy Custom Movesets .
metal sonic model: warioplier
mk2 model: garroulus64
health texture: mrPorkchop
lead developer and programmer: Luogi.z64
spin dash code: Dark Starkly
peel out code: Atrael2
programmer: srGSR
- sonic jump
- drop dash ( press B while jumping)
- peel out ( press UP while not moving)
This mods requires: Character Select and Easy Custom Movesets .
metal sonic model: warioplier
mk2 model: garroulus64
health texture: mrPorkchop
lead developer and programmer: Luogi.z64
spin dash code: Dark Starkly
peel out code: Atrael2
programmer: srGSR