
In the year 1998, a strange and unique little game named LSD: Dream Emulator came out on the PS1 only in Japan, based on a dream journal and the bizarre experiences chronicled within. Despite how locally-restricted its release was and how niche its focus, as well as frankly being clunky as all hell mechanically, it still ended up becoming a cult classic of sorts, including one particular rare entity found within gaining notoriety of its own;

The Grey Man, one of the few truly-dangerous things you could come across on your dream journeys. One which ignored all obstacles to make its way forward slowly and menacingly, ending your dream instantly if you make contact. A total enigma, beyond the fact that it was as strange as it was scary.

Anyways, that's enough gaming history and mysteries, now you get to watch this spooky entity do sick jumps and fly around with wings on his hat while making funny noises. Plus, he's finally in a game with decent FPS and controls by default.





  • Complete custom palette recolorability, including a bonus when hat is removed

  • Full custom hat model set (including hat removal for vulture/monkey/OMM/etc.)

  • Custom lives icon, as is tradition

  • An entire set of sounds cut from SFX and audio snippets used in LSD itself, mainly the base audio clips that the strange randomized music in-game is built out of, so GM's "voice" is basically the music of the game in a sense

  • Integration with the "Character Movesets" mod, GM uses the Waluigi moveset and can double-jump, swim in the air by diving mid-air multiple times and takes extra damage from hits (can be changed easily with one simple edit in the main.lua file, the zip includes a readme with info on how)

  • Maybe some slight jank here and there (did my best to avoid it though)​



TheVGResource - Models, Textures and Audio

"LSD Dreamy Texture Pack" by BTL Games on - The image used for the lives icon, specifically "8.png" from the "faces" folder, downscaled to 64x from 1024x original

I'mYourCat on the CoopDX discord server - Helping me fix yet another annoying metal material bug that was preventing export in blender, by taking a look at my blend file and telling me what workaround I needed to do to fix it
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