One of the older mods of sm64ex-coop is back with a slight bit of overhaul, giving each character fairly unique ways to play.

This mod can be toggled by typing /char-mov, in case you prefer your typical vanilla experience. (The moveset is on by default.)

  • Moves list:
    • Mario:
      • Handstand Jump (Crawling + A): Taken some inspiration from DK94 and Mario VS DK, this is basically a triple jump that goes higher, but has less speed. It's ideal for reaching higher spaces that can't be reached with a backflip or a side flip when there is no space to build up a triple jump, or just a fun lil' alternative to any of the aforementioned jumps.
    • Luigi:
      • Passive Stats: Luigi can jump higher and swim faster, but his shoes are rather slippery, therefore affecting his ground traction and speed, and wall kick height.
        He also has slightly weaker health.
      • Scuttle Jump: By holding A while falling down during some jumps, Luigi will kick his feet to fall slower.
      • Spindrift Backflip: Taken straight from SM64DS, Luigi will do a spinning jump after he falls from a backflip.
        • Spin Pound (Holding Z): Basically a ground pound, but without the 2 second stop in mid-air and you have more control over it.
    • Toad:
      • Passive Stats: Toad is the fastest character out of the cast. His ground pound goes faster and running can maintain more speed, but his jump height is the worst. His wall kick, however, can be stronger with speed.
      • Ground Pound Jump: Pressing A while landing with a ground pound basically lets Toad do a higher triple jump.
    • Waluigi:
      • Passive Stats: Waluigi moves slightly faster, and jumps slightly lower, while his triple jump is significantly buffed.
        But due to being built like a stick bug, he loses way more health than any other character.
      • Wall Slide: Instead of light-bonking onto a wall, Waluigi will slide against it, and triples jumps out of one when A is pressed.
      • Elegant Jump: A take one Waluigi's double jump, where upon pressing A during some jumps, Waluigi will twirl in the air with all is Walugrace and be able to instantly switch directions.
      • Air Swim (Dive + B): Waluigi can defy gravity and swim three times before he falls to a place that's hopefully not his impending doom.
    • Wario:
      • Passive Stats: Wario is a much heavier and stronger guy, so he jumps lower and moves slower.
        He falls faster with a ground pound and sinks when he's underwater.
        He can effortlessly lift heavy objects and loses little to virtually no damage, except when he touches lava.
      • Shoulder Bash (Ground Dive): With this ability, Wario can ram into enemies and objects and send 'em flying.
        • Corkscrew Conk (Bash + A): A jump that's roughly the height of a double jump Wario can do while shoulder-bashing. He can also do it mid-air, making it a decent recovery move.
      • Wild Swing-Ding: By rotating the stick quickly while running with and object, Wario can spin it like spining Bowser. Note that for now, this is more of a neat visual thing rather than affecting how far you can throw the object.
      • Piledriver: Pressing Z while jumping with an object in hand and Wario will go pummeling down with it.
Hope you all enjoy the mod!
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