Beat Block Beatdown

Beat Block Beatdown v1.0

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This comes so close to being a great hack but is ultimately ruined by the most minute errors. It feels like the level is 5% larger than it should be, where every single block requires you to double jump and kick just to reach it. The 4th level having a lava spinner that for some reason is NOT in sync with the rest of the stage, which frankly ruins the entire premise of the hack being rhythm based. You have to have nearly frame perfect inputs for some of the jumps otherwise you can't make it. It also feels like this hack is intended to have checkpoints, what with all the hearts everywhere seemingly halfway through the stage, but they don't function (at least in co-op as far as I know, which even then is a pretty big deal given it's for a mod called SM64 CO-OP). Finally, you're able to leave to the castle for some reason, and instead of taking you back to the stage you were on when you go back into the pipe, you go to the first stage and lose all of your progress. Yummers!
1.00 star(s)
very fun, i like the music and it looked pretty and it was challenging for someone new into romhacks
3.00 star(s)