Arena (& Hangout) - Bitforts

Arena (& Hangout) - Bitforts v1.0

This is Bitforts, an Arena & Hangout map for your preferred version of sm64coop. (it works on both)

Be mindful of which version you download, as one is specifically for Arena (included with your game) and the other is for Hangout (which isn't a real gamemode, but something you can add onto your game).

The Arena version automatically adds itself to the map pool through its api, but for those using the Hangout version, a very simple implementation is provided to allow people to access the map through the /retrowarp command. Feel free to change the Hangout version's way of warping there to better fit your server!

I made the map, but special thanks goes out to flipflopbell for their 3D Skybox Template, which I used for this.
  • bitforts1.png
    204.5 KB · Views: 1,249
  • bitforts2.png
    361.8 KB · Views: 1,104
  • bitforts3.png
    145 KB · Views: 920
  • bitforts4.png
    219.4 KB · Views: 1,307
First release
Last update


4.83 star(s) 6 ratings

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This is a really cool map! It's got quite a creative design, right on par with Nintendo themselves, if not better. My only complaint is the death areas or killplanes or whatever in the underground areas are a bit odd, killing you if you try to long jump to certain mushrooms or whatever. But that's not enough to drag this map down. Great job!
Fair, the underground portions on both sides are due for a revamp soon enough. Always felt like I didn't give the idea in that part enough effort as-is.
This is simply Amazing!
Proud to say that I was one of the early testers for the map! It's very high quality all the way trough, and I had a lot of fun playing it! Chilly, you outdid yourself.
An incredible Arena level that truly feels like you were thrown into the classic NES game. Lots of exploration and lots of ways to battle it out!
Very well-crafted arena stage! Offering a ton of ways to get around with a masterly done theme.