SupeRGameR_213's latest activity

  • SupeRGameR_213
    SupeRGameR_213 left a message on TheIncredibleHolc's profile.
    Awesome dude
  • SupeRGameR_213
    SupeRGameR_213 updated their status.
    I have no clue how to make a mario 64 mod, or a charcter model yet...sadly
  • SupeRGameR_213
    SupeRGameR_213 reviewed the mod Gore/Frogger!.
    5.00 star(s) Really fun and funny to play friends with, epically players getting lunched across the map just to go splat hahaha lol
  • SupeRGameR_213
    SupeRGameR_213 reviewed the mod Gore/Hard-Mode!.
    5.00 star(s) Really fun and awesome :D, strangly makes the game funnier or something. Also I got a mod recommendation, can we have this mod but with...