
Searching the most free, non-hierarchical, autonomous, video-games i can find and hoping to help cultivate and share the joy and imagination nourishing they may provide.

A zapatista community woman-knit linen. The transcript says: Another world is possible, A world where every world can fit
A cartoonish A.A.N.E.S. Y.P.J. militant, with the grungy-styled message: We carry a new world in our hearts

Video-games i promote and enjoy lots are Doom-engine derivates, like Sonic robo blast 2, and [G]Zdoom... surge engine, and the majority of indie games.
The ones that include addition-pieces i find to be the most fun game types yet. They give lots of space for an "organic"-like method of being. Which lets them be so-so-many things. evolving, connecting between them, something of a community of playful interaction of creations.



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