Recent content by MassimaX

  1. MassimaX

    [CS] The Kid

    I will work on it as soon as I get the chance. Here is my discord. null4087 Shouldn't take me too long. I'll do my best, homie.
  2. MassimaX

    [CS] The Kid

    No issue. If ypu have a prompt to follow, let me know. I can get started soon after tomorrow. By this I mean I don't know what lines I need to do. So just send me that and I'll hit you up with a discord.
  3. MassimaX

    I am a wannabe voice actor and roleplayer.

    I am a wannabe voice actor and roleplayer.
  4. MassimaX

    [CS] The Kid

    Id love to help with voices. But I can only record them with audacity. I dont know how to implement them.
  5. MassimaX

    [CS] The Kid

    I Wanna Be A Plumber 64
  6. MassimaX

    [CS] The Kid

    Would be cool if you took away the punches and added a pea shooter that also affected the bnosses like te Megaman X characters.
  7. MassimaX

    Update Available

    Okay, I see that. Now how do I download it?