pretty sure i heard about it in some pannen video a while back but idk
it was also mentioned in the comments near the wall kick code in the pc port which i often use for reference code for movesets and stuff
he always had recolorability but i had to drop preset palettes as kings method of adding them broke after a recent cs update
i did attempt my own palette system but it sucked ass and i couldnt get it to work in multiplayer so i gave up lmao
if you still want his intended palette its included as...
Si tienes modificaciones importantes en el conjunto de movimientos, intenta desactivarlas.
Además, King nunca ha sido probado en dispositivos móviles, por lo que si juegas desde allí, ese puede ser el problema.
Debes agregar un nombre de personaje después de /kskin (el único carácter admitido a...
Now King properly takes his crown back from Ukiki every time
i give up on palettes just use the included .txts if you want em
Fixed certain textures not resetting properly with CS enabled
side notes:
- removed bugged bounce physics with other player objects
- this version is stable...
king the memer updated King the Memer - ReRemake with a new update entry:
my day one patch needed a day one patch
Read the rest of this update entry...
it already should? explain the issue
i fucking knew thered be a day one patch, luckily the bug wasnt that severe
king creating infinite alt palettes with cs has been fixed
he now has his own palette system that can be toggled with L+X without the need of cs
Peach's letter was accidentally sent to King's address and without thinking he went to the castle trying to return it
little did he know he would need to spend all day gathering Stars to save someone he doesn't even know
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