Recent content by IloveWario

  1. IloveWario

    Does anyone have any South Park skins?

    your username is incorrect they says
  2. IloveWario

    Does anyone have any South Park skins?

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll no but I cud zip it if u want and I cud send the preview of it if u had discord account
  3. IloveWario

    Does anyone have any South Park skins?

    I have kenny
  4. IloveWario

    hi, I'm trying to make faceless mario Pet, but its going on bad . can u fix this for me?

    hi, I'm trying to make faceless mario Pet, but its going on bad . can u fix this for me?
  5. IloveWario

    I just play games, and think to make some dumb mods.

    I just play games, and think to make some dumb mods.
  6. IloveWario

    hello. I used your olimar mod, and the voice was broken. can u fix this?

    hello. I used your olimar mod, and the voice was broken. can u fix this?