Recent content by flipflop bell

  1. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

  2. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    Ohh, you just gotta try to replicate every sfx but as the kid, with the exception being "game over", "hello", "press start to play", "thank you so much for playing my game" as those are not used in coop. Also "so long king bowser" could work really well as the kid screaming I WANNA BE THE GUY...
  3. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    If you can record clips for each voice and split them into separate files then send me those in discord I could add them to the mod. Also, sorry for only letting you know now, I was gonna reply later after reading this but i ended up forgetting about it.
  4. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    If i find a voice actor that's willing to voice him then i'll add that. I don't think i could do that with the few voicelines he has in the original game (also because i have never tried to do voice splitting before)
  5. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid - Small fix with recoloring and mirror room

    Big thanks to @I'mNOTYourCat for helping
  6. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    flipflop bell updated [CS] The Kid with a new update entry: Small fix with recoloring and mirror room Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    If I ever learn how to code and animate i'll consider making a moveset
  8. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid v1.1

    The Kid from I Wanna Be the Guy with planned Gore/Hardmode support and an extra costume! Special thanks to @Squishy6094 for helping me fix a bug
  9. flipflop bell

    [CS] The Kid

    flipflop bell submitted a new mod: [CS] The Kid - The Kid from I Wanna Be the Guy! Read more about this mod...
  10. flipflop bell

    [DynOS Character] Piplup

    There are no gay baby jails in this post...
  11. flipflop bell

    [PET] Terraria Pets v1.0

    Requires the WiddlePets mod to work Huge thanks for Wibblus for making it! Also, huge thanks for Cooliokid956 for helping with some stuff! Recolorability and Animations exported with fast64-gart. Check it out! Showcase Video:
  12. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 1: Star Takeover - Updated the romhack to work properly in coopdx

    I had to update this to fix a critical issue with the key fight levels, where the game would softlock and potentially cause epilepsy attacks. I've also added some features seen in the other star revenge rom hacks
  13. flipflop bell

    Star Revenge 1: Star Takeover

    flipflop bell updated Star Revenge 1: Star Takeover with a new update entry: Updated the romhack to work properly in coopdx Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. flipflop bell

    Realistic Explosion 1.0

    Realistic Explosion Makes explosions 200% awesomer by making them hyper realistic!!! You might recognize this from Deltarune and TerminalMontage (which the explosion sfx and textures reference). By @flipflop bell with the help of @Cooliokid 956 and @I'mNOTYourCat Enjoy More Footage HOW TO...
  15. flipflop bell

    Realistic Explosion

    flipflop bell submitted a new mod: Realistic Explosion - Makes explosions 200% awesomer by making them hyper realistic!!! Read more about this mod...