Recent content by ColbyRayz!

  1. ColbyRayz!

    Odyssey Mario's Moveset: Rebirth

    Pretty sure I know this bug this can only happen in cap stages except vanish but it’s fixed
  2. ColbyRayz!

    Odyssey Mario's Moveset: Rebirth

    there wont be a 1.5 nor captures really but there will be a 2.0
  3. ColbyRayz!


  4. ColbyRayz!

    Is there a SM64 Coop DX port for the Wii/Wii U?

    It be pretty awesome to have that but I think ExcellentGamer is working on that one time
  5. ColbyRayz!


  6. ColbyRayz!

    kukuu :3<3

    kukuu :3<3
  7. ColbyRayz!

    Odyssey Mario's Moveset: Rebirth

    likely not because of the moveset, delete b3313 moveset in it 1735068897 and to install press download and put the omm-coop folder in mods folder
  8. ColbyRayz!

    Odyssey Mario's Moveset: Rebirth

    use /omm to set your moveset and others
  9. ColbyRayz!

    Snowman's Land crashes my game

    this happens when you have dynos or mods with models like character select on and the mirror causes that to crash
  10. ColbyRayz!

    Vote! :3

    Vote! :3
  11. ColbyRayz!

    Lag spikes

    we cant help you with android use the android coopdx discord server
  12. ColbyRayz!

    haii :333 <333

    haii :333 <333
  13. ColbyRayz!


  14. ColbyRayz!

    :33 <3 omega

    :33 <3 omega
  15. ColbyRayz!

