Recent content by Asplatim

  1. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod - Victory sounds added!

    Just a few improvements with the voice lines and added a new line when getting a star!
  2. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod

    Asplatim updated [CS] CharizardMod with a new update entry: Victory sounds added! Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod - Updates of the coloring

    Now the recolor should be 100% funtional and now it works online!!1
  4. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod

    Asplatim updated [CS] CharizardMod with a new update entry: Updates of the coloring Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod - Colors

    Just some stuff for be clear with the colors so you can personalize better btw skin----- charizard color shirt---- chest color cap---- wing inside color shoes ----- claws paw color hair------ tail fire color Charizard.ini is a color palette and it suppose to be in the folder on coop deluxe ...
  6. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod

    Asplatim updated [CS] CharizardMod with a new update entry: Colors Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod

    Asplatim updated [CS] CharizardMod with a new update entry: Recoloring, Voice Lines and new icon!! Read the rest of this update entry... 1741469390 I just saw this and i think u are not very smart
  8. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod - Recoloring, Voice Lines and new icon!!

    Hey yall!! Updating the charizard mod finallyyyyy!! new icon made by @2909kjk on twitter! and thanks for helping me editing and extracting the voice lines to @DegXD24!! The recolor option is kinda buggy so i will try to fix it eventually hhh If someone knows how to fix it pls let me know in...
  9. Asplatim

    [CS] Sphere Doomer + Variants! - Improvements with the audios and the coding

    Improvements on the audios bc of some tinny issues- And thanks to Morishiko (discord) to help me fix that tinny thing in the code!
  10. Asplatim

    [CS] Sphere Doomer + Variants!

    Asplatim updated [CS] Sphere Doomer + Variants! with a new update entry: Improvements with the audios and the coding Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Asplatim

    [CS] Sphere Doomer + Variants! 1.1

    Coming with this unique enemy from Kirby! With different variants: Fire Sphere Doomer Spark Sphere Doomer Ice Sphere Doomer Made by @Asplatim anddd @Shagapult on Twitter!
  12. Asplatim

    [CS] Sphere Doomer + Variants!

    Asplatim submitted a new mod: [CS][CS]Sphere Doomer+ Variants! - Elemental creatures coming from dreamland! Read more about this mod...
  13. Asplatim

    [CS] FunGusMod

    Asplatim updated [CS] FunGusMod with a new update entry: Fixing more details Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Asplatim

    [CS] FunGusMod - Fixing more details

    Heyy yall! New update here! Theres been a few improvements with the body and a new icon added!! (thanks to @2909kjk again for the new icon)
  15. Asplatim

    [CS] FunGusMod - Improvements on the mod

    Just some improvements in the face and extra details