Made By Golderbros64 (@YTGolder on youtube) Betatesters: Polduduc(Marioooooooooo(NEW_PC) on SM64dxCOOP)
This is a Mod i've been working on(and the first one i'm uploading) for SM64DXCoop. As of V1.0 There are 21 Possible Dice Rolls, All of them do Something either Helpful or Harmful. Some are More Complex than Others, even going up to lasting until you get a star. As of V1.1 MarioHunt is supported!(wich removes/edits some events)
D-Pad Down to Roll The Dice /auto on - To Automatically roll the dice
While in a (as i think) Very Early State. there is a Stat System, wich tracks: Times You Rolled The Dice, Coins the Dice Gave you
I Higly Would Like Some Ideas!
Also if you find any Bugs, Report them in Issues. It would be Really Appreciated.
If you plan to make a custom version of this you can. But i must be credited and i can use code from your version and credit you.
Also if you want me to support a specific Gamemode, feel free to ask. also check the Plans file to see what im planning to do/support.